About our products

Here at Mr. Stiff, we know how annoying the side effects of common medical aids can be in the event of a decline in sexual activity. That is why we wanted to develop an alternative that does not harm health and promotes sexual activity. After long-term research and in close contact with various Chinese professors of traditional Chinese medicine, this formula has been developed for natural stimulation of sexual activity. Our products are not exclusively for erection problems, but also for anyone who wants to give an extra boost to his or her sex life. Because all our products are 100% natural, they are safe to use for everyone.

Erectile dysfunction and our solution for it

As soon as a man has difficulty getting an erection more often, we can speak of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a good example of sexual problems that can even develop other sexual disorders in the long term. 

Fortunately, there are a number of solutions available today that can alleviate this problem in the short term. One of the most common solutions for erectile dysfunction is to use erection pills. 

Erection pills ensure that the blood vessels are enlarged so that blood can flow more easily to the penis. Because the blood vessels are enlarged, the blood can flow back more easily, which ensures that the erection can be maintained for longer. Achieving an erection by using erection pills ultimately remains a natural erection, but the erection inhibitors are temporarily weakened. 

Which erection pills should I choose?

There are many erection pills available, all of which promise to stimulate a man's erection. The most common erection pills are designed based on 'Sildenafil'. This substance was used in the 1990s during research into a way to combat 'Angina Pectoris'. With 'Angina Pectoris' people experience heart cramps and chest pain. The cause of this is that the blood vessels are too narrow and the heart therefore has to pump harder to distribute oxygen throughout the body.

During this study it was discovered that administering Sildenafil not only makes the blood vessels in the chest less narrow, but also enlarges the blood vessels in the penis. In short, a suitable remedy for erectile dysfunction. 

Unfortunately, the use of Sildenafil also has a number of side effects. The most common side effects of using erection pills are: shortness of breath, chest pain and priapism. With priaprism, the man experiences a prolonged and painful erection that does not subside.

Fortunately, erection pills have also been developed in recent years that contain only naturally active substances. A good example of this is 'Maca'. This is a plant that occurs in Peru and can positively influence a man's sex drive. At Mr. Stiff in the webshop you will find erection pills that contain only natural substances.

Which erection pills can you find at Mr-stiff.com

At Mr. Stiff you will find erection pills that are naturally designed to stimulate the erection in men. The following products are available from us:

Libido booster

Libido Pills

Side effects of erection pills

The cause of the most common side effects when using erection pills is the substance 'Sildenafil'. Mr. erection pills Stiff are designed based on only natural herbs, so the user does not suffer from side effects the next day. 

However, we do not recommend that you use the Mr. Stiff erection pills can be used for heart problems, pregnancy or hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients. You must meet the Mr. Stiff erection pills should not be used in combination with medicines.

Risks of erection pills

The most common side effects of using erection pills are dizziness, headache, nausea and chest pain. However, these are minor side effects that can occur when using many medications

Serious side effects when using erection pills are heart problems or hearing damage. As soon as you experience that you are experiencing problems with your hearing or heart, we recommend that you immediately stop using the erection pills and consult a doctor. 

If you have a heart condition, it is wise to consult your doctor before using erection pills. The doctor can use a number of simple tests to determine whether erection pills are the right solution for your erectile dysfunction.

Advice on using erection pills

The Mr. Stiff erection pills should not be used by children under the age of 18. Once you see the Mr. Stiff erection pills used in combination with food and alcohol may take a little longer before you notice a difference. It is recommended that Mr. Stiff to be taken on a not too full stomach. Mr. Stiff erection pills can be taken in combination with alcohol. 

Mr. Stiff can also be taken by women to support sexual activity. However, we do not recommend use if you are pregnant.